miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2009

¡ ¡ ¿ke sixi jajajaja o no




Fleming was born in scotlan in 1881. He studied at the university of

london. He eas interested in infectious diseases; in 1928, he

discovered a substanse that killed bacteriacommon to many

disease. he called this substace; penicilin. He received the novel

prize for medicine in 1945. He died in london in 1955.


william shakespeare


shakespeare was born in stratford upon avon in, england in 1564. He

was a poet, dramastit and actor.He wrote many plays for the

theater: "hamlet", "othello", "macbeth", etc. He also wrote 154

sonnets. shakespeare died in strandford upon avon in 1616.☺

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2009


I vacacioanes ise in many things that I almost remember what ise. only on weekends that I vat or left wing party c0n my amigo0s to give the ro0la and left my boi co0n to turn around to then went out with my parents to see amis avuelitos ezo order fuee to0do0 I lo0 ke ize


yo en las vacacioanes ise muchas cosas de las cuales ya casi no me
acuerdo de lo que ise.
solo se que los fines de semana me iva alas fiesta o salia c0n mis amigo0s
a dar el ro0l
y salia co0n mi boi a dar la vuelta
luego salia con mis papas a ver amis avuelitos
fin ezo fuee
lo0 ke yo ize

viernes, 11 de septiembre de 2009


♥¡ O0la
v¡zZ]¡T3N •••aja